Reality Rewind

NOT The Time or Place

Is setting something to consider when deciding to hash out disagreements? The outcome of many arguments could be different depending on setting and timing. How ironic that the drama comes to a head at the Women’s Empowerment Network (reality TV sets the stage so often) On the past episode of Married to Medicine, the ladies […]

Reality Rewind

My Name is _______________and I’m Addicted to Reality Tv

Like there is anything else to watch (especially since Scandal is off season). (THIS BLOG IS NOT ABOUT THE NEGATIVE EFFECTS SOME OF THESE SHOWS HAVE ON OUR CULTURE & SOCIETY). Who doesn’t enjoy someone else’s drama. Anytime viewing a situation, and discussing with your girls over coffee makes someone else more famous and lucrative […]

Daily READ Random thoughts

Friends Don’t Let Friends…

Why do friends let each other go places looking any kind of way without advising them differently. Women act as if it’s a crime to express their opinion of their friends appearance. If a mere comment distorts a friendship, was it a true friendship, or a “familiarity” relationship? Now I’m not talking about those eccentric […]

Daily READ Reality Rewind

Idea Execution

“There are a lot of ignorant people in this world” As an adult I realize what my mother and aunt have been trying to get me to understand my whole life. There are visionaries and there are executors. Some people have both talents. The best visionaries have no clue how to produce the end result. […]

My Reality Show Our Culture/Our World Random thoughts

Mental Maturity

Band geeks, cheerleaders, sport jocks, sexy jocks, drama freaks, smart geeks, smokers, sluts, skateboarders, choir crew, artsy, drunks, gothics, smart jocks, dumb jocks, My school had them all! I was the type in high school to hang out with a range of people. Never did I have a “crew”. I kicked it with whomever was […]