Our Culture/Our World

Timeless Artistry

Talent is not a trend; musical artists with great talent are classic. Music is at the core of many cultures, shaping ceremonial dance, creating soothing or celebratory atmosphere. Music helps to complete the event. African American, Black, Urban (whichever term you prefer) culture has a musical core. JAZZ, BLUES, FUNK, ROCK, HIP HOP, R&B and pretty […]

Our Culture/Our World Random thoughts

Acceptance through Assimilation

Watching TV, (DVR only, don’t watch commercials much anymore) Dish Nation, my favorite radio TV show, and the topic of discussion is OPRAH and the Cover of this month’s magazine. The cover features Oprah as most of the issues do, only this time she’s rocking a blown out extensive afro. LOVE IT! Heidi Hamilton, the […]